Your guide to

pregnancy and postpartum rehabilitation

  • enjoy every moment with your bundle of joy without having to worry about leaking, pain, and pressure- you deserve peace of mind.

what we provide

Our clients are typically pregnant or have recently had a baby. They may need help preparing for childbirth to reduce the chance of tearing or may want help with general recovery from pregnancy and childbirth. Sometimes, our clients are struggling with pain, leakage, pressure, and heaviness during and after pregnancy as well. Our goal is to help clients in preventing childbirth injuries and/or recover from their pregnancy in order to participate in daily activities as they desire- get up and down from the floor to play, jump on the trampoline, or run to keep up with their rambunctious toddler. Our clients may have busy, active lifestyles and the exercise or treatment plans are personalized to meet their needs.

  • Diastasis recti is a common condition in pregnant and postpartum people where the fascia of the abdominals separate. The separation can make a person's belly stick out or bulge months or years postpartum.

  • Many women experience pelvic floor dysfunction following vaginal and cesarean deliveries. This dysfunction can cause urinary incontinence (leakage), pain, constipation, difficulty urinating, and more.

  • There are several types of prolapse but in general, this is a displacement of organs or structures that may protrude from the vagina, rectum, or uterine structures.

  • It is often difficult to reduce limb swelling following pregnancy. This can cause discomfort and pain and impact one’s ability to return to work or care for the new bundle of joy.

  • Research has shown that with specific exercises and stretches, clients can dramatically reduce their chance of grades 3-4 tearing during childbirth which can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction.

  • In the demands of today, women are having to return to active lifestyles very soon following delivery. We offer pregnancy recovery wellness services to help jumpstart your recovery process.

Types of Services

  • online childbirth prep class

    Focuses on reducing tearing and other birth injuries. Includes guidance on postpartum recovery, home setup, helpful equipment, prenatal stretches, perineal massage instruction, birth positions, labor education, and education on how to push for improved healing, shorten pushing phases, and reduce childbirth injuries.

  • telehealth

    Meet virtually to discuss concerns and develop a plan of action to address problem areas such as diastasis recti, prolapse, urinary incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction, or pubic symphysis pain. Ideal for clients who are not local to Plymouth, MA or those who are not able to attend traditional rehabilitation settings due to time constraints and large copays/deductibles.

  • Group Classes

    Classes are educational in nature and classes will be announced on social media and updated on this website. Group class content may cover general postpartum exercise recovery, childbirth preparation, or pelvic floor rehabilitation.

  • In-person therapy

    Local to Plymouth, MA? Send a message to find out how to see me in person and bill your insurance.

    This will require a prescription from your ObGyn or PCP.

What makes moms in motion therapy and wellness different?

  • Skilled care delivered by a licensed occupational therapist.

  • Specialized training for pregnancy and postpartum exercise recovery.

  • Care is always highly sensitive to the social/emotional impact of the condition(s) being treated, pregnancy, and birthing experience, and takes into consideration the potential for a history of trauma, including possible birth trauma.

  • Analysis of the components of a given task to determine necessary modifications or adaptations to decrease barriers and allow for safe participation.

  • Multi-system considerations such as endocrine, gastrointestinal, neuromuscular, skeletal, etc. I look at the whole client, instead of focusing on an isolated muscle group/problem area. This promotes safe and effective outcomes.

  • Attention is on function to make programs meaningful and client-centered.

  • How is this impacting your relationships? social life? participation in work, leisure, home management, childcare?

  • Are you able to participate in the joys of life, without worry?

  • What components of these activities are triggering symptoms?

  • How much time can you commit to your program?